• To ensure that the medical graduate acquires broad public health competencies needed to solve health problems of the community with emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention, cost-effective interventions and follow up
  • Conceptualize people as the focus of the lifetime service of a doctor and be ready to help always and specially in time of need, minimize the suffering of people and have the ability to “think globally and act locally”.
  • Apply the basic epidemiological principles to investigation of diseases, outbreaks, health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Contribute to health systems’ performance as a member of the health team in the generation and efficient utilization of human and logistic resources.
  • Foster healthy lifestyles in the individual and the community level to prevent environmental degradation and to promote social harmony.
  • Identify the health needs of populations and population subgroups through planning, intervention, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Provide patient-centered comprehensive primary health care including referral, continuing care and follow-up.
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